Week 2 – Master Key Experience

It’s Thursday night here in Northern California and today actually felt like autumn! I’m ready for a break from the extended summer we’ve had here. Whew, I am feeling a bit tired today as I continue with my new committments. I have been sitting (nearly) still every night for 15 minutes for 9 days in a row – great job me! My son Boris, who’s 11, joined me for 3 of the 9 sessions which brought me extra joy. We shared our experiences with each other, which makes me feel great as I type these words. I’m finding myself reading Scroll I very fast as the days continue, so I do slow down to allow better absorption and contemplation. I’m really just working on flowing with what naturally occurs (trusting the process) as it progresses for me, which feels good and right. I am definitely getting out of my comfort zone (pushing myself) and having daily break throughs that are manifesting in my daily interactions with people I encounter and it has me feeling more connected and humming. I am noticing people having positive reactions to my positive actions – ahhh! I am finding myself complimenting more and it feels very nice! I look forward to delving deeper into this practice as the beginning has been remarkable and unprecedented for me. Do it now!

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